February 16, 2016

‘Ownership Matters In The Sharing Economy’: A Debate, Carlton 18 Feb

Thursday evening at Melbourne Uni Law School there’ll a debate around defining the ‘Sharing Economy‘, a term associated with companies such as TaskRabbit, AirbnB and Uber, which operate by providing platforms for people to rent-out, or rent, resources such as […]
February 10, 2016

Research & Practice Backs Indigenous Control To ‘Close Gap’

Following the 2016 report on the ‘Closing the Gap’ program, it is good to see a well researched article in The Age. Ben Stephens and Matthew Tyle, graduate students at Harvard University, say: “insanity is doing the same thing over […]
February 8, 2016

Australia Floundering In A Digital Revolution…

Here is a retweeted 21st century wake-up call from John Sheridan Brisbane-based CEO of Business Digital Insights. As John sums up: revolutions aren’t easy and Australia is struggling as “governments, corporates and vendors of all kinds have to deal with […]
February 4, 2016

Indefinite Detention: WHAT Is Being Done In Our Name?

Offshore/indefinite detention is about politics. It is a cynical political bipartisan ploy. In the name of the taxpayers, who fund the very expensive offshore detention process, the policy claims a shaky moral high ground. BUT, does preventing drownings justify inhumane […]
February 3, 2016

Policy Focus Wrong. Enough For ALL Public Housing Needs!

“[Today] the challenge is to address the disconnect between supply and occupancy. When there are three times as many empty houses as there are homeless people, we know the policy focus is just wrong. Government must do more than create […]